This is
See also
I am worried:
Dear Mr President 27th June 2023 B
I forgot to say that I had also come to the conclusion about RAND Corporation hype, when I asked myself the question "how do I know what is happening in China?" for the media there do not tell about any problems with their Nation State, for it is censored. So, go on, how do we know what is happening in China? Personal stories by visitors - who are in some way restrained from finding out anyway? Seems tenuous to me, and thus I asked what evidence do we really have - and I found NONE. Your satellites will not know, unless they can peer into Xi Jinping's voiced hierarchy? - and their local Government!
Dear Mr President, 27th June 2023 A
Democracy LIES about Satellite Images - you cannot see barbed wire on satellite images, and a prison is just a building indistinguishable from any other on a satellite image. A large prison camp is merely a satellite image of a large village/small town. Democracy is Lying about what it sees - it is so called Intelligence hype and is so very WRONG. This happened in Iraq when the Intelligence Dept of Democracy said we had to go into and attack Saddam Hussein big time, for he had weapons of mass destruction - a BIG LIE, and more recently by the RAND corporation about the content of satellite images over China's Xinjiang province - lies and hype. I am very concerned that we are attacking China through Iraqi type hype!! And that is giving DEMOCRACY a bad name, not only in China but elsewhere - possibly in Africa and certainly the Far East, where many Nations are joining with China on building a big moon base. We, democracy, are losing the PR war, for we hype too often! And NATO allies must think about how we are going to WORK with China, not hound it for what I am beginning to see are FAKE messages from our own Intelligence Community! Please challenge them, with STEM qualified older experienced people. Regards, from Jim, Democracy Champion.
I am asking questions about evidence - we have to think more about FAKE NEWS, and thus/how to challenge ALL news for FACTS, not hype.
The belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of Government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves.
Humanitarian: concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. It seems to me that this is important no matter what type of Nation we have.
This is a note about the negative aspects of our democracy, not a negative against the whole thing, but it is so wide ranging that I think it affects everything democracy does, triggered by my thought about how Xi Jinping might see us, and whether he would want to be a democracy - in time! Or ever?
I conclude he would not, but we might help ourselves by collaborating with China on many things, like we did on Tornado with Deutschland and Italia. Chinese people will land on the Moon for a short day or two or three before 2030, so they virtually equal our technology, and their STEM qualified people already outnumber us in NATO.
I am concerned about our reputation in China. What do we have that Xi Jinping admires? I find that we are very badly wanting.
We barrack him about Uigres, forgetting that we slave traded for many years thinking that black people were not human. The British Empire even tried IQ tests on African people which were based upon our military and engineering knowledge of design, with symbol matching and so on. The Africans failed it (because they had not seen such symbols or english before), so were considered not human and were treated like vermin, gathered together in dark caverns in rolling sail-ships across the Atlantic, with the most horrible piles of dung and smell all around them. No wonder so many died on the voyage, but did Britain care – in its democracy? No, it invested even more heavily in the evil trade. Humanitarian? Not at all. Christian? Not at all.
So, consider how best to persuade Xi's people to accept we are OK people. What happened to rid ourselves of the slave trade - what humanitarian values did we adopt and why? It was not DICTATED, so there must have been many voices against it, persuading others in Power. Who were the, now important, people who voiced their concern about the trade? - and how do we treat black people now? And the HORRIBLE statues of slave traders so loved by UK Government that they make it a criminal offence to damage the ...... poo.
OH OH OH DEAR - so, go on, persuade Xi's people that we are as good as his people....... HOW?