Tuesday, 1 October 2024

New 2024 book content + Frank Whittle

This google blog software has problems in presentation for the fonts do not STAY the way you type or adjust them.....so, sorry about the variation below, which I have found impossible to correct.

This is https://jim-quinn7.blogspot.com/     NATO, ITER, etc

          https://jim-quinn4.blogspot.com/     for Tornado bits

          https://jim-quinn.blogspot.com/    World Stories

AAIB discussion - select top right  "September (2)"


If Frank Whittle had been supported by aircraft manufacturers, the jet engine would have been available sooner. As it was, without such support (why did the RAF not go to them?), Frank had to study Engineering at university AND pass, before anybody would help. Thus 12Aprl1937 was the first Whittle jet engine run. The Lancaster, Halifax, Blenheim, Wellington were so slow that 55,000 aircrew lost their lives in WW2. The lesson from September 1940 was that fast fighters could easily pick a slow bomber and shoot it down - so you needed faster bombers A (as Frank wanted,)?  

But no, the ignorant Winston Churchills team (over ruling expert pilot Frank Whittle) decided to go for a one off demo aircraft, the E28/39, and then start again with the Meteor (Messerschmidt did not delay with a demo - straight to a fighter which did the demo bit in its initial flying) instead of a Canberra for 1943. The so late 1949 Canberra first flight (note especially that if Frank had been supported before his degree, that Canberra could have been 1939 or so!!!)..... see the Luftwaffe's bomber design (not initially used as such) June 1943 first flight : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arado_Ar_234  

Patentees in Britain have long been expected by the Government to also manufacture and test their own designs - such a crazy idea that Britain's Official's have still not even recognised of Frank Whittle's problems. Patents need to be searched by Business to invest, not expect the solo Design Engineer like me (software and logic), to learn how to make and test (you need a big building to test a jet engine) - who can afford the machine tools and the factory, let alone the IPR that a company has, to help think, calculate and launch a project?  

The new Labour Government wants more SME to be launched, but they have so little IPR, that they start way behind the big company with lots of IPR knowledge, and that costs - and sales so delayed too. We need Patentees to be supported by big Company, for the Law is a hugely difficult thing for an Engineer or Scientist to understand - a big company can protect the intrapreneur from all that employment law, business law, taxation law, marketing and sales drives .......and just allow the clever one to concentrate on their clever make it work thinking.

                   Jim                 30sept2024

1Oct2024:  Just discovered in my local small cafe; VAT is now being charged on many items and has been for a few years, growing in extent over that time. Wow, not made public by Government, just known by cronies..... 

- the cafe manager is overwhelmed I was told, by all the paperwork needed now.

My new book “Tornado New Horizons” ISBN 979-8-32824-379-7 published in 2024 recently.

What are we fighting for?  I was told "our World" in the 1970's, but I now know we have to do better than that, not take sides, but learn from others real experiences, and think, to construct the best for all of us.


1) Further to Chapter 1, Hypersonic missiles has become all the current NATO scary rage! Design of such was aerothermodynamic completed in the early 1960's by "my" Bristol Siddeley APRG, and it was shown that supersonic combustion (SCRAMJET) would be a benefit to higher thrust, for the potentially huge normal shock loss in the annulus would be eliminated! - but only if a flame could be stabilised without bigger pressure losses in the flame-holder combustion process. 

My 1964/5 BSc supersonic aerodynamics "step loss" project collaboration with Rod Clifford continued here, because his was the Practical discipline, and yes, combustion was him! See book "British Secret Projects". Supersonic combustion is extremely difficult - on Tornado, reheat combustion in the tailpipe starts at an inlet flow airspeed of (only!) about Mach 0.3 (imagine a candle in a 300 mph wind! ....and if at Mach 4 in the combustion duct? wow!!). Hypersonics was dropped in 1966 as far too expensive for Civil Airliners, and "Combat Engines" was formed from APRG Personnel, which eventually became the Turbo Union RB199 for Panavia's Tornado. 

Thus, you can see that I have always worked at the Requirements end of our Bristol engines, but also software made it far easier to understand how the RB199 engine worked, transient behaviours in 1971 too (never before done by calculation on any other engine at all!). The RB199 Vulcan so confirmed in 1973, and then Tornado in 1974, as I expected overall, with practical innovation of hardware tweaks on those initial flight engines, to eradicate a couple of operating problems.....all solved for Flight.

And thus also my annoyance at HS2 Ltd pursuing the Wrong Requirement......high speed was not the Industry requirement, which was for capacity not hugely expensive speed.

2) Further to my book page 188 (fusion power), the plasma dynamics are only sensor observed externally, so the knowledge of the flow inside the "plasma tube" is poor. Imagine air flow along a duct, the walls cause a boundary layer and it is well known that there is higher airspeed in the centre than near the edges (an airspeed profile). What is happening inside a tokamak magnet controlled high temperature plasma? I think we need to seed the plasma with "sparkly" grains, so that visual measurements can be made of the flow speed distribution across the plasma tube insides, for the temperature will melt a metal pressure or speed sensor! From speed can come pressure profiles....(PV = RT in aerodynamics). Then we will know what control mechanism is better/necessary, for currently we only know the outside surface characteristics of the tube, and not the bulk of it. We have to try!


                       Jim          10sept2024

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Mr President, at The White House

   This is         https://jim-quinn7.blogspot.com     

        See also https://jim-quinn4.blogspot.com     Tornado bits

Engineers have to test their ideas in hardware and/or software before delivery, and thus prove their results are not fake news. 

Actual Letter sent to President Joe Biden, via White House email   26 May 2023


Imagine a snooker table (many more balls than billiards and with several side pockets to score in) with the competitors able to come in from any direction, just like in Ukraine. The problem with the Ukraine war is that Russian forces can come in from any direction, meaning that the Ukrainians have to spread their forces thinly around the whole perimeter. which means that a large number of Russians can come in from any direction they choose, knowing they will have little resistance until the Ukrainians move to that location - leaving their flank bare for a while.

 Back to the snooker table - while you are one competitor using the cue and scoring points in longish time, the "enemy" is sitting in their chair. When I stop, the "enemy" will choose any direction to use their cue - just like the Russians can do entering Ukraine. I would like to stop the "enemy" from  getting up from the chair, to allow me to win by default! And it is this picture that I want to present to you - please allow the Ukrainians to hit Russian weapons warehouses, in Russia, for that way you know where to stop them, unlike today where nobody knows where Russia will cross the frontier into Ukraine, and therefore very difficult to stop potentially large Russian resources from winning there, and gaining foothold - in turn difficult to regain for the Ukrainians.

Ukraine is my NATO frontier, as I think it is yours - mine, not just the Ukrainians. Thankyou!

 Jim Quinn BSc CEng FIMechE                       26 May 2023

Still no action, apart from UK pressure by Keir Starmer yesterday 14sept2024 - I asked this of Ben Wallace on 24feb2023 as follows :

Dear Secretary of State,                                24th February 2023
The Ministry of Defence
London SW1A 2HB

I think we should allow Ukraine to bomb Russian Military Warehouses inside Russia, because the supply routes come from there. The Russians are able to vary their routes inside Ukraine which makes them difficult to intercept day by day, and they are able to do it at will, by crossing the border wherever they choose.

Imagine Ukraine is a snooker table – you cannot stop your opponent because he is able to get up from his chair and shoot his cue from any side – what you really need (rules aside!) is to prevent him from getting out of his chair. Same with our Russian opponent – we have to stop him at his warehouse inside Russia.

Please consider.

B J A Quinn ex RR Tornado concept engineer 


I note this news item today 16th July 2023, and recognise this is not fake news, but 


SKY NEWS: This morning 10th July 2023, at 7.14 am local time in Guangdong, South East China, a 25 year old man was detained because of the stabbing of at least six people - that was a freedom of speech media notice - China is not as bad on Freedom of Speech as some have been saying. How does it compare with Putin's lack of media freedom in Russia?

We did see, a while ago, the drone attack on Moscow with a small explosion, so maybe I just do not know enough about either countries restrictions.  I know China rules out Google open searches and wanted restrictions, so I do not know what to think, but I am now wary of democracy too, for UK Government covers up too much under the Official Secrets Act.

I am a Friend of Bletchley Park!!      And wonder what GCHQ actually does.

President Joe Biden

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

USA                                                      22nd June 2023

Dear Mr President,

I am worried about China as a BIG Nation of many% STEM people.


Their airforce is good and building. Their number – 1400 million compared with us (400 m in USA, 500 m in Europe) – means that by 2050 or so they will be able to beat us if it came to war. I do not want Xi Jinping’s autocracy here, but democracy is not much good either. Trump gave us a bad name, and I imagine Xi scorned us as a result of him – we need better Qualification People standing for President!

I think we should learn to collaborate with China, and I am thinking that maybe we should build a big Moonbase with them, and forget trips to Mars. It will need big investment from us too, but to avoid war with a BIG Nation like China is essential, so let us not hesitate to embrace China anyway. PLEASE!

Yours Sincerely Jim – by white house email today

Thursday, 12 September 2024

AAIB-CAA Incompetence: Squirrel crash 2007, Heathrow crash 2008


This is https://jim-quinn7.blogspot.com/        Investigating

and    https://jim-quinn.blogspot.com/          World Stories 
see    https://jim-quinn6.blogspot.com/         Money

 also  https://jim-quinn41.blogspot.com/       Disabled help 

I thought you might be interested in a helicopter crash AAIB/CAA reports

This is AAIB Bulletin 2/2009 page 92 about Eurocopter Squirrel G-CBHL crash in Lanark on 15sept2007

and this is what the CAA should have published, but did not, burying the SAFETY info in the very wordy depths of the Pilot Handbook, and NO  CHANGE of the diagram:

NO mention in the wordy CAA follow up below, of displaying this Eurocopter chart with DANGER written clearly on it - just wordy something or other called     servo whatnot.....  which does NOT say DANGER!!!        Follow? 
Pilots are VISUAL believe it or not and you should communicate  VISUALLY please - laywers sitting at their very very quiet desks with NO Sense of Danger, always use their words to declare themselves free of responsibility of anything - the CAA are NOT up to the JOB!!!

A UK AAIB and CAA cockup in MY view ...... see below for the Heathrow crash cockup too..... no justification of their conclusion relative to other possibilities....AND NO accusation of Boeing's on-aircraft recording system failure mid-air nor the whole question of why the pilot selected APU start mid air either.......

I had a short series of interesting emails with the ATSB over the fatigue nature of the Qantas Trent engine failure :

https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2010/aair/ao-2010-089              download the pdf file, and go to pages 80-83 for photos of the fracture. They were friendly (we were discussing the smooth nature of the fatigue failure), not like with the UK AAIB as for

......their POOR reporting of several Incidents/Accidents, particularly the Heathrow crash in 2008 of a Boeing 777 whose RR Trent engines ran down almost simultaneously at the Airport Threshold after 6 minutes of descent - not on the Highway just before, due to the Pilot's good aircraft handling (lowered the nose to fly over the road, not drop onto it) not even recognised in the AAIB Report 1/2010 - AAIB have poor perceptions!

Overview suggests AAIB 1/2010 is merely documenting normal operation of aircraft - very little, if anything, about checking that this particular flight did perform as expected. Nowhere for example, is an electrical system diagram presented, so no way to logically confirm the minimalist conclusions. The electrical system in an aircraft Provides the Pilot with Instruments and Lighting......was he "blind" on finals? AND, are the traces actually telling the real story, or was the electrical system causing recording problems? Why did he select APU start on finals if he had electrics?

I conclude that Boeing had failed IN DESIGN to ensure the recording systems worked all the way down to total aircraft depower when on the ground. Let alone the whole aircraft perhaps - so much seems hidden in the AAIB report...... At least one recorder(see the traces below) FAILED mid-air!! Incredible stupidity. 

UK AAIB did not explore anything other than a hypothetical unobservable problem - icing of a normally hot metal oil cooler, when the ice disappeared before the aircraft or engine fuel systems were moved off the crash site!

Why did Rescue Services turn off several switches in the cockpit before the AAIB got there - Rescue arrived just over a minute after the crash. Clearly aircraft had to be made safe, but is there no procedure as to what to record first? No comment in AAIB report. Arriving just over a minute after the crash, means I expect QAR  (Quick Access Recorder) buffer to have continued working until electrical switch off, yet the report says the QAR went off line ......

........ 45 seconds before crash. Why? Nothing about the logic that powers it, merely a guess that the data buffering system has delayed the recordings by 45 seconds - coincidental or not there is nothing analysed in AAIB 1/2020 to support that declaration. Was it electrical busbars going offline? Did the cabin lights go off before the crash, declaring that? You have to guess that too - I was obviously searching for signs of electrical power failure - nothing said.

Why do they not display busbar voltages? If the Aircrew selected APU start, it was for a reason like no electrics (perhaps cockpit lights went out ? - did they?). Did they ask them? Did they check busbar voltages to see? What NH does the IDG (the electricity generator) go off line, leaving only the battery powering the aircraft? What logic drives the RAT (Ram Air Turbine) to deploy? That should provide electrics. Yet fundamentally this question must be answered to provide us all with the confidence that that Emergency System works properly.

If the NH goes below IDG generation speed, it will be below idle - hence NL cannot be 40%, it must be lower - this is why I have been so concerned about the recorded values of ....well several things presumably.

Do Airbus use the same busbar and RAT logic as Boeing - do they need to know anything about this crash? Again, not considered/nothing said.

NL (= N1) is virtually constant at 40% during final approach (as is EPR actual) - does busbar voltage dropout freeze the recorded NL or EPR (only, for others seem to be working - what does the electrical diagram tell you? NOT PUBLISHED)? If ice is causing fuel blockage, why does NL not drop further? Why was the blockage so "easy", that it maintained engine speed significantly above idle, and not higher or lower - on BOTH engines at 40% almost precisely? In itself that is VERY surprising! Nothing said. At 40% NL, NH (= N3, but not displayed in the AAIB 1/2010 report) is perhaps about 74% - should the engine have a Blow Off Valve open below 75% NH to prevent surge? Nothing said!! If the ice blockage was a once off sudden event (report not at all clear, but so I have heard since from the FAA), it had to be huge and take ages to melt, if it be the real cause - pipe diameters/restriction at oil cooler, not mentioned at all..... too many assumptions in the vague report!

The ECU control loop scale is too small to read off their chart - why did it go to "11" for three seconds, nearly two minutes before crash? What does that "11" mean? It was the first time that EPR Command and EPR Measured diverged, well before the crash landing, so is very important. Nothing said!!

Incidentally, one of my recommendations was to slightly stagger throttles on long descents at "idle" in future as a precaution, for that way you will probably avoid simultaneous shutdowns - nothing said.

To concentrate on AAIB 1/2010 fuel flow - what would you look at for an engine rundown : fuel starvation, which AAIB did conclude, but for almost only ONE reason, not the several that were a possibility, hardly discussed - so, how about fuel pump speed(= NH = N3)? Nothing said! They should have had that info from the Data Recorder, but decided not to tell us. Not just me, but CAA, FAA and EASA - all critical investigators of safety! 

The BA38 crash 777's engines were both Rolls Royce three shafts - not P&W or GE two shafts, and three shaft fuel pumps rotate much faster at idle than two shafts - this is important, for fuel flow will reduce about the same amount at idle on all 3 engine types, but if fuel pump rpm is higher at a low fuel flow, the fuel will be churned a lot more by the gear pump, such as to cause increased temperature and possible vapour bubbling - engines cannot run on bubbles! 

And, were the fuel tank contents gauges showing plenty of fuel when they should have been showing zero? Nothing said!

Given the NOT available (NH = N3) rpm data, CAA, FAA and EASA would have been able to have a discussion/audit of the conclusions........ I saw no sign of such discussions....

What independence of mind did AAIB develop during the investigation - did they ask BAE Systems to help them think this through? I presume they had nothing to do with the aircraft or its design. Nothing said!

The engine ECU (control electronics and software) were apparently NOT AT ALL Checked - they actually over-wrote the Flight Software by Test Software it appears, so had no NO IDEA how in-flight reactions were doing - for example, the AAIB 1/2010 Data plots showed that the Software said the engines went into surge - was that Software working correctly? No Idea, for they never checked it! It is quite possible that they were not in surge of course (both engines at the same time maybe unlikely (unless high AoA!), but both fuel flows dropping to zero unlikely too (unless tanks run dry!) .......how do you know if you never check?

AAIB did not even report what the Pilots might have said about surge - never asked presumably!, AND Accident Investigations MUST surely be as certain as they can be that the Conclusions and Recommendations for the future are as near certain as possible.

Note : AAIB 1/2010 has 27 pages of fuel icing thinking and testing. Very many more pages than any other single item.

And their Engine Fuel System Diagram IS a DISASTER - this is AAIB 1/2010 :

This is mine, taken from the descriptions within the report, and for which I have no prior knowledge, other than my general knowledge of engine control systems - You will observe that the fuel pumps are driven by HP spool speed NH (called N3 in the report), but there is no sign of NH on the traces supplied in the report (only N1 which does not drive the fuel pumps !! And the throttle controls NH, not NL...) and which I reproduce below :    I consider this a Criminal Omission.

Thus my Trent Engine Fuel System diagram, given all the several descriptions in AAIB 1/2010 (I had/have no pre knowledge of the Trent), noting that I have given you Questions (not answered in AAIB 1/2010) about the ECU's Affects too (Electronic Control Unit - which includes the Software). Also I supply info about Compressor Air-bleeds (Offtakes) which directly help prevent surge, and also driven by the ECU (questioning the surge indication on the trace below, from the ECU, it would have been useful to see what the ECU would have done with the info - open bleed valves? 

No Logic Diagram to help understand - to question!) : ACOC - Air Cooled Oil Cooler, FCOC Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler (the latter iced up reducing fuel flow according to RR/AAIB, noting that that ice melted before any engine parts were inspected, and the Oil was surely warm at 85C at least, for ACOC cooling is limited at ground level and idle.....). 

The traces of the last couple of minutes of BA38's flight would not print directly from the report except at very small scale (why?), so I magnified them on my laptop and took photos of that AAIB 1/2010 page 50, fig 20 as below, but then displayed top, middle and bottom of that page to ensure you could read it :

The engine rundown problem (which on BA38 was to a stable 40% NL (N1) - on BOTH engines surprisingly - and thus above idle - a recorder failure to record, just frozen at the last value indicated?) has not recurred to my knowledge, apart? from the one NTSB investigation they mention in the report...... The whole AAIB 1/2010 report is suspicious in its LACK of Multiple Detailed Thinking......

Below is a 26th June 2024 comment about what I see in those traces on Pilot Flying behaviour, which I had not done before. I obviously had those traces back in 2010, but I was commenting upon the engine behaviour back then  :

The Pilot first noticed something was wrong 38 sec before crash impact, when he noticed the airspeed (at 130 kts) dropping below expectation, so Auto-throttled up, but then sudden retraction at 26 secs before impact (STAR this discussion to below)

        and concentrating on Flying (always the First Priority), correcting a bit of left Roll and watching pitch attitude (AoA increasing thro 4 degrees), before slow throttling back up (why so slow?)

reduce flaps 30 to 25 degrees reducing drag at 16 secs (AoA 8 degrees), 110 kts, 0.5 mile before impact, anticipating possible on-Highway crash to avoid, 

stick shaker (this is an "approaching stall" warning that airspeed is too low, and "stalled" the wing will not provide lift - stall will result in a sudden, perhaps big, drop in altitude, and it also tells the pilot to increase airspeed - so put the nose down and drop for a while until airspeed recovery) at 12 secs (AoA 14 degrees), 0.4 mile before

and finally nose drop (to AoA 8 degrees) 0.23 mile (375 metres) before, to reduce lift I think (so "Glide" onto grass, hoping to reduce human spinal SlamType-Drop damage - the sort of thing a stall would result in) having cleared the highway at that point, 7 sec before impact ..... 

.........thus the Pilot was good at his job A !

STAR : AAIB say engines "Auto-throttled" suddenly back at 26 secs, at only 120 kts - why ever should That (or Pilot !) throttle back happen when airspeed is so low? And then so slowly throttle back up? In total, 7 secs below max..... I imagine a Pilot would want to recheck throttle response, but throttle movement is very slow for that - he would have to wait a couple of secs to see rpm change, because the Control System would limit rate of rpm change, but the Pilot could move the throttle in a half second safely. And in any case - airspeed dropping low is not normally a time to throttle back, unless to reset something, but quickly surely..... 

Paragraph is ridiculously short of THOUGHT about this throttle back ! The Safety Importance is for another 777 aircraft, when the ground is close with low airspeed perhaps a little higher than this BA38 was. NO Logic Diagram or Description anywhere to help understand why this throttle retraction occurred. 

Harassment of AAIB by JQ? MUCH MORE NEEDED do you think......

Does my audit help you (CAA, FAA and EASA) ASK Questions about how the whole thing might have happened in this 2008 crash ? Or wonder whatever was going on in AAIB...?


            onto blog 24th June 2024, traces 27th June 2024, but 2010 letters to AAIB (Police obviously), RR, Boeing, and including some Operator's : British Airways, Qantas, Air France, Lufthansa Chief Pilots all, as best I can remember - about staggered throttles on long descents at idle too (one just above idle, the other at idle).

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Military Launch Reliability

This is    https://jim-quinn7.blogspot.com/        NATO

see also https://jim-quinn0.blogspot.com/        Engineering skills

Try :


If the Army had not been able to walk so far, the British would have lost in the 1982 Falklands. And the main reason was a lack of missile fighting understanding by Captains putting their own ship in front of missile sighting space of another (untrained thinkers?), and launch reliability.

From my point of view, reliability was grossly inadequate, and Britain's ships "drowned" as a result. 

In Aerospace Aircraft, we KNOW to have backup systems, but in the UK  NATS air traffic control hours long shutdown (dangerous over cities!) in September 2023 they had none, in the UK May 2024 e-Gate passport check system long shutdown disaster they had none, and in the 1982 Falklands the UK missiles systems had none, so ships were destroyed by the oncoming enemy. It is silly to go for the cheapest system WITHOUT a designed independent backup to make sure it WORKS when needed 24/7/365 - were they just electrical or software failures to launch for example? 

Financiers must not be in charge of buying Military kit - they have NO IDEA what is important or alternatives possible, while Engineers DO, working with their Military Colleagues. And Engineers KNOW about money, for they have none and need to politely beg for it......and they plan/try for NATO's cost effectiveness.

Thus we MUST have Military Equipment that WORKS EVERY TIME, and MORE must be SPENT to ensure that. Early spend, saves big loss later. See the Vee diagram below...If you manufacture and test a not quite adequate design, you have to redesign, remanufacture, and retest - that can cost big money and significant delay, far more than if you spent the time to have it right in the first place. We in Aerospace now try (!) for right first time designs, for that produces happier customers too.

BUT I have not seen anywhere in Britain that recognises that......Why do the Military not have their own requirements acknowledged - what are we doing handing design solutions adoption to MP and Civil Servant, who have no idea how to fight, for the kit we need? They will never be able to choose the right kit for they live in a FANTASY world........of funny aircraft or ...... plastic pistols. 

And the High Speed Rail Government idea in England a costly disaster of not much thinking in Stage 2......launched by Parliament in 2017, well before they knew any overall completion costs, nor how much Engineering was to be done by 2028, nor even that they had sorted out the Overall National Requirement ....... yup, the politicians had a Glamour solution looking for an application, and they plumped, wrongly, for a route in already reasonably speedy Southern England! Middle England has low speed lines, possibly beaten by a car driver keeping to the speed limits, but producing more CO2 than rail. I would cancel that southern route for its next 4 years of big expenditure, and make funds available for Middle England - and as you may imagine, not even necessarily going High Speed Glamour....

THINGS MUST WORK OR WE DIE !!!! And Numbers Count too.....

AND    where do ideas come from?.......

Why was this forgotten to clear mines in Ukraine - or elsewhere? because the Military History Society's were ignored by .........whom? :

                 Jim BSc CEng FIMechE CPD

Monday, 26 June 2023

Is democracy good ?

 This is    https://jim-quinn7.blogspot.com

See also https://jim-quinn3.blogspot.com

      and   https://jim-quinn4.blogspot.com

I am worried:

Dear Mr President                                     27th June 2023 B

I forgot to say that I had also come to the conclusion about RAND Corporation hype, when I asked myself the question "how do I know what is happening in China?" for the media there do not tell about any problems with their Nation State, for it is censored. So, go on, how do we know what is happening in China? Personal stories by visitors - who are in some way restrained from finding out anyway? Seems tenuous to me, and thus I asked what evidence do we really have - and I found NONE. Your satellites will not know, unless they can peer into Xi Jinping's voiced hierarchy? - and their local Government!


Dear Mr President,                                     27th June 2023 A

Democracy LIES about Satellite Images - you cannot see barbed wire on satellite images, and a prison is just a building indistinguishable from any other on a satellite image. A large prison camp is merely a satellite image of a large village/small town. Democracy is Lying about what it sees - it is so called Intelligence hype and is so very WRONG. This happened in Iraq when the Intelligence Dept of Democracy said we had to go into and attack Saddam Hussein big time, for he had weapons of mass destruction - a BIG LIE, and more recently by the RAND corporation about the content of satellite images over China's Xinjiang province - lies and hype. I am very concerned that we are attacking China through Iraqi type hype!! And that is giving DEMOCRACY a bad name, not only in China but elsewhere - possibly in Africa and certainly the Far East, where many Nations are joining with China on building a big moon base. We, democracy, are losing the PR war, for we hype too often! And NATO allies must think about how we are going to WORK with China, not hound it for what I am beginning to see are FAKE messages from our own Intelligence Community! Please challenge them, with STEM qualified older experienced people. Regards, from Jim, Democracy Champion.

I am asking questions about evidence - we have to think more about FAKE NEWS, and thus/how to challenge ALL news for FACTS, not hype.


The belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of Government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves.

Humanitarian: concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. It seems to me that this is important no matter what type of Nation we have.

This is a note about the negative aspects of our democracy, not a negative against the whole thing, but it is so wide ranging that I think it affects everything democracy does, triggered by my thought about how Xi Jinping might see us, and whether he would want to be a democracy - in time! Or ever?

I conclude he would not, but we might help ourselves by collaborating with China on many things, like we did on Tornado with Deutschland and Italia. Chinese people will land on the Moon for a short day or two or three before 2030, so they virtually equal our technology, and their STEM qualified people already outnumber us in NATO.


I am concerned about our reputation in China. What do we have that Xi Jinping admires?  I find that we are very badly wanting. 

We barrack him about Uigres, forgetting that we slave traded for many years thinking that black people were not human. The British Empire even tried IQ tests on African people which were based upon our military and engineering knowledge of design, with symbol matching and so on. The Africans failed it (because they had not seen such symbols or english before), so were considered not human and were treated like vermin, gathered together in dark caverns in rolling sail-ships across the Atlantic, with the most horrible piles of dung and smell all around them. No wonder so many died on the voyage, but did Britain care – in its democracy? No, it invested even more heavily in the evil trade. Humanitarian? Not at all. Christian? Not at all.

So, consider how best to persuade Xi's people to accept we are OK people. What happened to rid ourselves of the slave trade - what humanitarian values did we adopt and why? It was not DICTATED, so there must have been many voices against it, persuading others in Power. Who were the, now important, people who voiced their concern about the trade? - and how do we treat black people now? And the HORRIBLE statues of slave traders so loved by UK Government that they make it a criminal offence to damage the ...... poo.

OH OH OH DEAR - so, go on, persuade Xi's people that we are as good as his people....... HOW?
